Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Generating Your Own Leads Vs Buying MLM Leads

Copyright (c) 2008 Colin Meunier

MLM is one of the fastest growing business plans in the world today. However, one has to ensure that they take their business in the right way in the right path to achieve true success in their business, and there is a set way of doing it. Leads are one of the most important aspects of a Multi Level Marketing business.

Any Multi Level Marketing business depends for its success on the leads. It is these leads that finally turn into individuals in the up line and the down line. Therefore, it is necessary that one should know everything about the leads that they get.

One has two options when they wish to generate leads, one is by actually generating leads manually or buying these. Here are some distinguishing points between generating your own leads Vs buying MLM prospects.

Incomplete Knowledge Is dangerous. One of the first distinguishing points between bought MLM leads and generated MLM leads is knowledge. you do not know then personally and you do have a certain risk of actually knowing whether the person is genuinely interested in the MLM. Also, the battle does not end at whether the person is interested, in fact you will also have to ascertain whether the person is fit to be in a MLM.

Also, if you buy your leads, you will be spending a considerable amount on the database. This cost can be easily saved if you use some of your spare time and use your resources to get the right people into your MLM business.

There is no guarantee that the leads you have got are fresh. You could well be the tenth person to call the people on the list with a pretty good MLM plan. Simply put, buying a MLM lead list is quite a risk for the cash strapped MLM marketer.

There are many ways of generating MLM leads. Once you have people in your down line, you can always tap them for anyone else who would be interested in a good MLM plan. One can also turn to the Internet for some good MLM lead generations. Generating MLM leads on the Internet is a fast, simple and very economical way to expand your MLM business.

Also, advertising on the Internet is considerably cheaper than advertising your MLM business in real time, with brochures and fliers. One of the simplest and almost free way of telling about your MLM business, and therefore generating leads, is article marketing.

Apart from article marketing, you can also make your own blog which tells about your MLM business. Blogs are known to be very good for the Search Engine Crawlers, and with the right kind of content, you could get a good positioning on anyone of the top three search engines, which will have a considerably less expense to you as compared to traditional advertising.

If you are not comfortable with writing for the Internet, you can always hire a professional who will write content for your MLM business.

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