Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Customer Satisfaction Management - Start the New Year the right way

, Why Customer Satisfaction is important to the Bar of the Beginning

This is a new beginning. This is the time to evaluate how your organization has: income, profit, the main product performance and service statistics. It is also one of the most powerful times to show your employees, management commitment to customer satisfaction. Employees and managers are key to success in customer satisfaction, and is an ideal opportunity to ensure they are engaged, aligned and committed to providing superior customer experience. Customer satisfaction strategies and the importance of the results should be back to normal year-end performance metrics review.

Employees will see what is inside "the results are made public, because it gives their management priorities. Employees like to feel that they contributed to the success of their company. They look to be recognized for what achievements, so they know what receive a reward. They use these clues to develop their skills and plan their careers.

If the customer satisfaction results highlighted during the year-end reviews and those who have contributed to his success is not recognized and / or compensated for, the staff will be notified that customer satisfaction is less important than other business areas. Employees represent the views of his day-day activities will inevitably decline, what your customer experience. If, on the other hand, customer satisfaction with the results noted, it is equally important, income and profits and other objectives and heroes are praised, is a strong signal that the employees will be observed.

If you want your customer satisfaction efforts are successful, to ensure your employees see that customer satisfaction with the results of the previous year's achievements in the review and understand the dynamics that drive superior results.

Who is our customer satisfaction results?

Customer satisfaction results can be different shapes, depending on what is measured. For many organizations, formal customer satisfaction surveys. It can also include customer service organization, its metrics and volume of calls and complaints the results. If your organization has started to measure satisfaction with the mood of the Internet, via social media sites, blogs and complaint sites, and then incorporate these insights.

How to get the most out of customer satisfaction results

There are five key areas to focus on

1st The results of the Goal: Does the organization have a goal or goals to meet? Objectives have been achieved? Of which were better than others? Which was the lowest ranked?

2nd Trends: Is it better or worse? What is the trend over the past few years, quarters, months, or any schedule of data is the organization? Can you explain why?

3rd Compare one group with similar groups in the organization: If the results can be divided in various leaders, geography, departments, you will need to show results, and then collect the results, broken down by geography, sales department or service group. Create a competitive organization.

4th Ranking: Take customer satisfaction results, and then break it down into other lower-level management. Then the ranking of departments or groups, from top to bottom. Add green and the results have not been satisfied with a red target results. No manager and his staff want to be at the bottom of the list. Show the results of group meetings of employees.

5th Celebration of Success: The reward those who have done well to make them recognize, and tell their stories to other employees to emulate. Sometimes budgets are tight and monetary rewards or shares. Recognition fills the gap. Everyone loves a compliment. Presentation, mentioning the name, start your own name plaque on the wall or even a virtual plaque or trophy recognition.

What should I do first?

1st Research, service and data sentiment Internet to collect and analyze key factors and areas to improve the results.

2nd Apparently customer satisfaction with the results published at the end / beginning of communication.The the best place to be, at the end / beginning of a presentation, report or e-mail at the beginning, even before the financial results. Do not put them in the Appendix or a notification at the end. It seems like the idea.

3rd Reward and recognize the heroes. Publicize the names of people and narrate the situation they are involved and their problems and successes. Demonstrate the desired employee behavior you want repeated.

4th Highlight the action plans for improvement. Assign ownership and calculate the time development observed customers.Any leader of the group that failed to achieve the desired objective to be an action plan. If the action plan does not have a responsibility to be assigned to promise to come back to the employees who are affected with what needs to change and how it is done. Often, this process is carried out at management level, the smaller the senior management team. However, it is equally important to say, the whole organization and the specific areas of concern that the action is happening and how they can help people.

5th Ensure customer sentiment from the Internet (Social Media, blogs, and a complaint of vehicles, such as complaints and Sidewiki sites) are monitored and appropriate resources for responding quickly to public relations crisis.

6th Set goals for new year.

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